Community Organizations
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View Personal BioChadron LGA
What is it? Local bars and restaurants host one miniature golf hole each. Teams of five, play a round of mini-golf by going from place to place to putt. All team members must be over 21 except the designated driver (DD). Teams will have a starting hole and then proceed from business to business until they complete their round. Team scores and individual scores will be posted. Once the team finishes they will report to the Post Party at the American Legion for a meal and prizes.
Purpose of this Event: 1) Provide a community event including our local business and 2) Raise funds for youth golf programs.
Prizes: 1st $400 (plus free entry next year), 2nd-$300; 3rd-$200; DD – low score $50; Individual low score-$50; Best team costume-$100; flag prizes and door prizes.
Team Entry Fee: $200.00. Entry fee includes a t-shirt and dinner for each player.Tell a Friend